Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004

Package nu.dll.lyskom

Interface Summary
Asynch Interface containing constants for asynchronous message types.
AsynchMessageReceiver Interface to be implemented by classes who wants themselves to be called when asynchronous messages arrives from the server.
RpcEventListener Interface used by classes that wants to be able to receive RPC events asynchronously.
Tokenizable Indicates that this object can be converted into a KomToken by calling its toToken() method.

Class Summary
AsynchMessage This class represents an asynchronous message received from the server.
AuxItem Aux-Item, a LysKOM data type introduced in version 10.
BigText (EXPERIMENTAL) A "big" text, intended to efficiently handle large messages such as binary files, often seen in mail attachments.
Bitstring This class represents the LysKOM data type BITSTRING, which is a serie of ones and zeroes making up a vector of boolean "flags".
Conference Represents the LysKOM data type Conf-Stat, containing all information about a conference.
ConfInfo Class representing a Conf-Info structure
ConfType Represents the LysKOM data type Conf-Type, which is a Bitstring.
Debug Helper class to aid debug tracing.
DynamicSessionInfo This handles the LysKOM datatype Dynamic-Session-Info, which contains information about sessions that might be changed over time (such as current conference and what-am-i-doing).
Hollerith Class representing the LysKOM datatype Hollerith.
HollerithStream A HollerithStream provides an InputStream from which the contents of a Hollerith sent from the server can be read.
KomTime Represents the LysKOM data type "Time".
KomToken A KomToken represents an object to be sent to or has been received from the server.
KomTokenArray Represents an array of KomToken objects.
Mark Represents a marked text and it's mark type.
Membership Represents a person's membership status of a given conference.
MembershipType Represents a Membership-Type.
ReadTextsMap Class that can be used to check if a text has been read.
RpcCall This class is used to do the actual RPC Calls to the server.
RpcEvent This call represents an RPC event; i.e. that an RPC reply has been received from the server.
RpcReply Represents an RPC reply received from the server.
Selection A Selection is tagged data, in which each object represent an ordered list of tags (keys) and perhaps some data belonging to each tag.
Session This is the main interface to the LysKOM server and the LatteKOM library.
Text Represents a LysKOM text.
TextMapping This class handles storage of global text numbers for one conference.
TextStat The Text-Stat LysKOM data type (and this class) contains status information about a text, such as its author, creation time, etc.
UConference An UConference is a minimalistic set of status information about a conference, such as it's name and type.

Exception Summary
CmdErrException This is a relic actually belonging to the package.
KomProtocolException Exception that will be thrown by LatteKOM methods that do server I/O and encounters data that it can't understand, or it seems that the server can't understand what we're telling it.
NoSuchKeyException Thrown by the Selection class when an application tries to access a non-existant key.
RpcFailure Represents a failed RPC call.

Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004