Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004

Class KomTokenArray

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KomTokenArray
extends KomToken

Represents an array of KomToken objects. Each element in a KomTokenArray can consist of several KomToken objects.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Constructor Summary
KomTokenArray(int length)
          Constructs an empty KomTokenArray
KomTokenArray(int length, int[] n)
          Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(int)
KomTokenArray(int length, nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[] o)
          Constructs a KomTokenArray containing the objects supplied.
KomTokenArray(int length, java.util.List tokenList)
          Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length out of each of the element in the List, which must contain only Tokenizable objects.
KomTokenArray(int length, java.lang.String[] s)
          Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(String)
KomTokenArray(int length, nu.dll.lyskom.Tokenizable[] o)
          Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length using the supplied Tokenizable objects.
Method Summary
 int getLength()
          Returns the length of this array.
 nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[] getTokens()
          Returns an array with all KomToken objects in this Array.
 int[] intValues()
          Returns an int array by converting all objects in this KomTokenArray into integers by calling their intValue() method.
static nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[][] split(nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray komarray)
          Static helper class that splits a two dimensional KomTokenArray into a two dimensional KomToken array (KomToken[][]), by dividing the number of objects by the length reported by the KomTokenArray.
 byte[] toNetwork()
          Converts this into a LysKOM ARRAY suitable for sending to the server, by calling each of the objects' toNetwork() method.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
equals, getContents, getType, intValue, isEol, setContents, toInt, toInteger
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public KomTokenArray(int length)
Constructs an empty KomTokenArray


public KomTokenArray(int length,
                     java.lang.String[] s)
Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(String)

See Also:


public KomTokenArray(int length,
                     int[] n)
Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(int)

See Also:


public KomTokenArray(int length,
                     nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[] o)
Constructs a KomTokenArray containing the objects supplied.


public KomTokenArray(int length,
                     nu.dll.lyskom.Tokenizable[] o)
Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length using the supplied Tokenizable objects.


public KomTokenArray(int length,
                     java.util.List tokenList)
Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length out of each of the element in the List, which must contain only Tokenizable objects.

Method Detail


public int[] intValues()
Returns an int array by converting all objects in this KomTokenArray into integers by calling their intValue() method.

See Also:


public static nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[][] split(nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray komarray)
Static helper class that splits a two dimensional KomTokenArray into a two dimensional KomToken array (KomToken[][]), by dividing the number of objects by the length reported by the KomTokenArray.


public int getLength()
Returns the length of this array. Note that this does not have to be the same as the number of KomToken objects stored.


public nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken[] getTokens()
Returns an array with all KomToken objects in this Array.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class KomToken


public byte[] toNetwork()
Converts this into a LysKOM ARRAY suitable for sending to the server, by calling each of the objects' toNetwork() method.

toNetwork in class KomToken

Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004