Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004

Class Person


public class Person
extends java.lang.Object

Method Summary
static nu.dll.lyskom.Person createFrom(int persNo, nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply reply)
          Creates a person object out of an RpcReply containing the reply to a get-person-stat call.
 int getCreatedBytes()
          Returns the total number of text bytes this person has produced.
 int getCreatedConferences()
          Returns the number of conferences created by this person.
 int getCreatedLines()
          Returns the total number of text lines this person has produced.
 int getCreatedPersons()
          Returns the number of persons this person has created.
 int getFirstCreatedLocalNo()
          From the spec: "The local number of the earliest article written by the person.
 nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring getFlags()
          Returns this person's flags.
 nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime getLastLogin()
          Returns a KomTime object representing when this person last logged onto the LysKOM server.
 int getNo()
          Returns the number of this person.
 int getNoOfConfs()
          Returns the number of conferences this person is a member of.
 int getNoOfCreatedTexts()
          Returns the number of texts created by this person.
 int getNoOfMarks()
          Returns the number of text-marks this person holds.
 int getNoOfTextFetches()
          Returns the total number of text fetches this person has done.
 nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring getPrivileges()
          Returns this person's previlege flags.
 int getReadTexts()
          Returns the total number of texts read by this person.
 int getSessions()
          Returns the total number of sessions this person has initiated.
 int getTotalTimePresent()
          Returns the total number of seconds this person has been logged onto the LysKOM server.
 nu.dll.lyskom.UConference getUConference()
          Returns the UConference object representing this person's letterbox.
 int getUserArea()
          Returns the text number containing this person's user area.
 byte[] getUsername()
          Returns the username of this person.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getNo()
Returns the number of this person.


public nu.dll.lyskom.UConference getUConference()
Returns the UConference object representing this person's letterbox.


public byte[] getUsername()
Returns the username of this person.


public nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring getPrivileges()
Returns this person's previlege flags.


public nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring getFlags()
Returns this person's flags.


public nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime getLastLogin()
Returns a KomTime object representing when this person last logged onto the LysKOM server.


public int getUserArea()
Returns the text number containing this person's user area. Currently, LatteKOM contains no code to deal with the user area.


public int getTotalTimePresent()
Returns the total number of seconds this person has been logged onto the LysKOM server.


public int getSessions()
Returns the total number of sessions this person has initiated.


public int getCreatedLines()
Returns the total number of text lines this person has produced.


public int getCreatedBytes()
Returns the total number of text bytes this person has produced.


public int getReadTexts()
Returns the total number of texts read by this person.


public int getNoOfTextFetches()
Returns the total number of text fetches this person has done.


public int getCreatedPersons()
Returns the number of persons this person has created.


public int getCreatedConferences()
Returns the number of conferences created by this person.


public int getFirstCreatedLocalNo()
From the spec: "The local number of the earliest article written by the person. The local number applies to a local-to-global mapping containing all articles written by the person."


public int getNoOfCreatedTexts()
Returns the number of texts created by this person.


public int getNoOfMarks()
Returns the number of text-marks this person holds.


public int getNoOfConfs()
Returns the number of conferences this person is a member of.


public static nu.dll.lyskom.Person createFrom(int persNo,
                                              nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply reply)
Creates a person object out of an RpcReply containing the reply to a get-person-stat call.

Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004