Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004

Class Conference


public class Conference
extends java.lang.Object

Represents the LysKOM data type Conf-Stat, containing all information about a conference.

Method Summary
 nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem[] getAuxItems()
          Returns an array containing the AuxItem objects associated with this Conference.
 byte[] getName()
          Return this conference's name.
 java.lang.String getNameString()
          Deprecated. You should not rely on the platform's default encoding
 int getNo()
          Returns this conference's number.
 int getPresentation()
          Returns the number of the text containing this conference's presentation (or zero if there is none).
 int getSuperConf()
          Returns this conference's super-conference.
 nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType getType()
          Returns this conference's type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getNo()
Returns this conference's number.


public byte[] getName()
Return this conference's name.


public java.lang.String getNameString()
Deprecated. You should not rely on the platform's default encoding

Return this conference's name, translated into a String according to the current platform's default encoding.


public nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem[] getAuxItems()
Returns an array containing the AuxItem objects associated with this Conference.


public int getPresentation()
Returns the number of the text containing this conference's presentation (or zero if there is none).


public int getSuperConf()
Returns this conference's super-conference. This conference should be used for replies in cases where a conference forbids comments.


public nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType getType()
Returns this conference's type.

Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004