Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004


add(Hollerith) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
add(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
add(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
add(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Adds the tag key to this selection, with the value value.
add(int, Object) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Adds the tag key to this Selection.
add(KomToken) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
add(KomTokenArray) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
add(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
addAsynchMessageReceiver(AsynchMessageReceiver) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Adds a listener for asynchronous messages.
addAux(Object) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
addAuxItem(AuxItem) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Adds an AuxItem object to this text.
addCcRecipient(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds one CC-recipient to this text.
addCcRecipients(int[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds an array of recipients as CC-recipients to this text.
addCommented(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds a text-number to which this is a comment.
addFootnoted(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds a text number to which this is a footnore.
addMember(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Adds a conference to a person's membership.
addMiscInfoEntry(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Deprecated. moved to TextStat class
addMiscInfoEntry(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Adds a new Misc-Info Selection entry with the tag key and the value value.
addMiscInfoEntry(int, Integer) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Adds a new Misc-Info Selection entry with the tag key and the value value.
addRecipient(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds a recipient to this text.
addRecipients(int[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Adds an array of recipients to this text.
addRpcEventListener(RpcEventListener) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Adds RPC reply listeners.
allow_anonymous - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Conference allows anonymous texts
ARRAY - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
An array of KomToken objects
Asynch - interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch.
Interface containing constants for asynchronous message types.
AsynchInvoker - class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchInvoker.
AsynchInvoker() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchInvoker
AsynchMessage - class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessage.
This class represents an asynchronous message received from the server.
asynchMessage(AsynchMessage) - Method in interface nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessageReceiver
Called when a messages has been read and parsed by LatteKOM.
asynchMessage(AsynchMessage) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Receiver of asynchronous messages.
AsynchMessageReceiver - interface nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessageReceiver.
Interface to be implemented by classes who wants themselves to be called when asynchronous messages arrives from the server.
AuxItem - class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem.
Aux-Item, a LysKOM data type introduced in version 10.
AuxItem(int, Bitstring, int, Hollerith) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Constructor used to create new AuxItem objects for RPC calls.
AuxItem(int, int, int, KomTime, Bitstring, int, Hollerith) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Constructor used to create new AuxItem objects for RPC calls.


BigText - class nu.dll.lyskom.BigText.
(EXPERIMENTAL) A "big" text, intended to efficiently handle large messages such as binary files, often seen in mail attachments.
bitcount - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
Bitstring - class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring.
This class represents the LysKOM data type BITSTRING, which is a serie of ones and zeroes making up a vector of boolean "flags".
Bitstring() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Creates an empty Bitstring
Bitstring(boolean[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Creates a Bitstring out of an boolean[].
Bitstring(KomToken) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Creates a Bitstring out of the contents in the supplied KomToken
Bitstring(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Creates a Bitstring out of the contents in the supplied String
broadcast - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
Deprecated. replaced by "send-message"


C_add_member - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_change_conference - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_change_name - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_change_what_i_am_doing - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_create_conf - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_create_person - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_create_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_delete_conf - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_delete_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_disconnect - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_enable - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_find_next_text_no - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_find_previous_text_no - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_client_name - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_client_version - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_conf_stat - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_info - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_marks - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_membership - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_person_stat - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_static_session_info - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_text_stat - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_time - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_uconf_stat - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_get_unread_confs - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_local_to_global - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_login - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_logout - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_lookup_z_name - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_mark_as_read - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_mark_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_modify_conf_info - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_modify_text_info - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_query_read_texts - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_re_z_lookup - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_send_message - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_set_client_version - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_set_last_read - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_set_presentation - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_sub_member - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_unmark_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_user_active - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_who_am_i - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
C_who_is_on_dynamic - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
cancel() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Equal to cancel(0).
cancel(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Discards any remaining bytes in the InputStream, then marks the stream as exhausted.
changeConference(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Changes the user's current conference.
changeName(int, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Changes the name of a conference or a person.
changeWhatIAmDoing(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
clear(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Clears the selection by removing the supplied key and its value(s).
clearMiscInfoEntry(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Deprecated. moved to TextStat class
clearMiscInfoEntry(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Removes all Selections containing the specified key.
clearRecipients() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Removes all standard recipients in this text.
clone() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Clones a text by copying its contents and recipient lists into a new Text object, which is then returnesd.
CmdErrException - exception nu.dll.lyskom.CmdErrException.
This is a relic actually belonging to the package.
CmdErrException(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.CmdErrException
COMPL - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
A "complex" LysKOM token.
conference - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Deprecated. use getNo() instead!
Conference - class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference.
Represents the LysKOM data type Conf-Stat, containing all information about a conference.
ConfInfo - class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo.
Class representing a Conf-Info structure
ConfInfo(byte[], ConfType, int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
confName - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
confNo - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
confType - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
ConfType - class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType.
Represents the LysKOM data type Conf-Type, which is a Bitstring.
ConfType(boolean[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Creates a ConfType based on the supplied boolean[].
connect(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Connect to specified server on the default port (4894) and do initial handshake
connect(String, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Connect to specified server/port number and do initial handshake
contains(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
contains(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns true if this Selection contains the tag key
containsAuxItem(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
count() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
count() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the next RPC reference number to use and increments the RPC reference counter.
countAuxItems() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the number of AuxItem objects attached to this text.
countAuxItems(AuxItem[]) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Counts the number of AuxItems in an array, skipping null entries.
countKeys() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns the number of keys (supplied selectors) in this Selection.
createConf(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Ask the server to create a new conference
createFrom(int, RpcReply) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Creates a person object out of an RpcReply containing the reply to a get-person-stat call.
createFrom(RpcReply) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Constructs a Membership array out of the supplied RpcReply object
createPerson(String, String, Bitstring, AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Asks the server to create a new person.
createText(Text) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Creates a text on the server, then returns the number of the newly created text.


Debug - class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug.
Helper class to aid debug tracing.
DEBUG - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
DEBUG - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Debug() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug
defaultBigTextHead - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
defaultBigTextLimit - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
defaultEnabledBigText - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
defaultServerEncoding - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
The encoding used by the LysKOM server.
deleted_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a text has been deleted.
deleteText(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Deletes a text on the server.
disconnect(boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Disconnects from the server
disconnect(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
doAddMember(int, int, int, int, Bitstring) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call add-member to the server.
doChangeConference(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call change-conference to the server.
doChangeName(int, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call change-name to the server.
doChangeWhatIAmDoing(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call change-what-i-am-doing to the server.
doCreateConf(String, Bitstring, AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call create-conf to the server.
doCreatePerson(String, String, Bitstring, AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call create-person to the server.
doCreateText(byte[], List, AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call create-text to the server.
doCreateText(Text) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call create-text to the server.
doDeleteText(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call delete-text to the server.
doDisconnect(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
doGetClientName(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-client-name to the server.
doGetClientVersion(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-client-version to the server.
doGetConfStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-conf-stat to the server.
doGetInfo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
doGetMarks() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-marks to the server.
doGetMembership(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Equal to doGetMembership(persNo, 0, 1000, new Bitstring("0")).
doGetMembership(int, int, int, Bitstring) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-membership to the server.
doGetPersonStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-person-stat to the server.
doGetStaticSessionInfo(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-static-session-info to the server.
doGetTextStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-text-stat to the server.
doGetTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
doGetUConfStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-uconf-stat to the server.
doGetUnreadConfs(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call get-unread-confs to the server.
doLocalToGlobal(int, int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call local-to-global to the server.
doMarkAsRead(int, int[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call mark-as-read to the server.
doMarkText(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call mark-text to the server.
doModifyAuxInfo(boolean, int, int[], AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call modify-conf-info or modify-text-info to the server.
doQueryReadTexts(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call query-read-texts to the server.
doReLookup(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Lookup names of persons or conferences using regular expressions
doSetClientVersion(String, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call set-client-version to the server.
doSetLastRead(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call set-last-read to the server.
doSetPresentation(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call set-presentation to the server.
doSubMember(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call sub-member to the server.
doUnmarkText(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call mark-text to the server.
doUserActive() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call user-active to the server.
doWhoAmI() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
doWhoIsOnDynamic(boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends the RPC call who-is-on-dynamic to the server.
DynamicSessionInfo - class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo.
This handles the LysKOM datatype Dynamic-Session-Info, which contains information about sessions that might be changed over time (such as current conference and what-am-i-doing).


E_access_denied - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
No read/write access to something.
E_already_comment - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a comment to a text twice over. error-status contains the text number of the text that already is a comment.
E_already_footnote - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a footnote to a text twice over. error-status contains the text number of the text that already is a footnote.
E_already_recipient - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a recipient that is already a recipient of the same type. error-status contains the recipient that already is.
E_anonymous_rejected - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to send an anonymous text to a conference that does not accept anonymous texts. error-status is undefined.
E_aux_item_permission - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to manipulate an aux-item without enough permissions.
E_bad_name - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use a name that's too long, too short or contains invalid characters. error-status is undefined.
E_client_is_crazy - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Currently unused.
E_comment_limit - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a comment to a text that already has the maximum number of comments. error-status is the text with the maximum number of comments.
E_conference_exists - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to create a conference or person with a name that's already occupied. error-status is undefined.
E_conference_zero - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use conference number 0. error-status is undefined.
E_feature_disabled - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use a feature that has been explicitly disabled in the server. error-status is undefined.
E_footnote_limit - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a footnote to a text that already has the maximum number of footnote. error-status is the text with the maximum number of footnotes.
E_illegal_aux_item - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to create an invalid aux-item.
E_illegal_info_type - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use a Misc-Info type (or Info-Type value) that the server knows nothing about. error-status is the type.
E_illegal_misc - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to create an illegal misc item. error-status contains the index of the illegal item.
E_index_out_of_range - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use a number that's out of range.
E_internal_error - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The server has encountered a possibly recoverable internal error. error-status is undefined.
E_invalid_membership_type - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
A requested membership type was not compatible with restrictions set on the server or on a specific conference. error-status is undefined unless specifically mentioned in the documentation for a specific call.
E_invalid_password - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to set a password containing illegal characters, or to use an incorrect password.
E_ldb_error - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Database is corrupted. error-status is an internal code.
E_letterbox - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to change the letterbox flag of a conference. error-status indicates the conference number.
E_local_text_zero - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use local text number zero. error-status is undefined.
E_login_disallowed - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The system is in single-user mode.
E_login_first - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Login is required before issuing the call. error-status is undefined.
E_long_array - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
An array sent to the server was too long. error-status is undefined.
E_mark_limit - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a mark to a text that already has the maximum number of marks. error-status is the text with the maximum number of marks.
E_message_not_sent - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to send an asynchronous message failed for some reason.
E_no_connect - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Currently unused.
E_no_error - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
No error has occurred. error-status is undefined.
E_no_such_local_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to access a text using a local text number that does not represent an existing text. error-status indicates the offending number.
E_no_such_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to access a text that either does not exist or is secret in some way. error-status indicates the text number in question.
E_not_author - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to manipulate a text in a way that required the user to be the author of the text, when not in fact the author. error-status contains the text number in question.
E_not_comment - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to remove a comment link that does not exist. error-status contains the text number that isn't a comment.
E_not_footnote - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to remove a footnote link that does not exist. error-status contains the text number that isn't a footnote.
E_not_implemented - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The call has not been implemented yet. error-status is undefined.
E_not_marked - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to manipulate a text in a way that requires the text to be marked, when in fact it is not marked. error-status indicates the text in question.
E_not_member - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The call requires the caller to be a member of some conference that the caller is not a member of. error-status indicates the conference in question.
E_not_recipient - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to remove a recipient that isn't really a recipient. error-status contains the conference number in question.
E_obsolete_call - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The call is obsolete and no longer implemented. error-status is undefined.
E_out_of_memory - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
The server ran out of memory.
E_permission_denied - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Not enough permissions to do something.
E_person_exists - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to create a person with a name that's already occupied. error-status is undefined.
E_recipient_limit - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to add a recipient to a text that already has the maximum number of recipients. error-status is the text that has the maximum number of recipients.
E_regexp_error - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Error using a regexp.
E_secret_public - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to give a conference a type with secret bit set and the rd-prot bit unset.
E_server_is_crazy - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Currently unused.
E_string_too_long - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
A string was too long (see descriptions of each call.)
E_temporary_failure - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Temporary failure.
E_text_zero - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to use text number 0. error-status is undefined.
E_undefined_conference - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to access a non-existent or secret conference. error-status contains the conference number in question.
E_undefined_person - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to access a non-existent or secret person. error-status contains the person number in question.
E_undefined_session - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Attempt to access a session that does not exist. error-status contains the offending session number.
E_unknown_async - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc
Sent in response to a request for an asynchronous message the server does not send.
ENABLED - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug
true iff the "lattekom.debug" system property is non-null and equal to "true".
endast(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the maximum number of unread texts in the current conference.
endast(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the maximum number of unread texts in a conference.
enqueue(Runnable) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchInvoker
equals(Object) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
Returns true if the supplied object is of type KomTime and represents the same time as this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Returns true if the supplied object is of type KomToken, and it's contents are equal to this, or if it is a String which, converted to the default charset, equals this object's contents, or if it is an Integer, which, when converted to a Protocol A representation of its value, is equal to this object's contents.
exists(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
Deprecated. changed name to contains(int)


finalize() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
first() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Move the "cursor" to the beginning of the list of pairs (similarly to java.sql.ResultSet.first() I thought that I needed this method, but on second thought, I didn't.
flagDeleted - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagDontGarb - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagHideCreator - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagInherit - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagReserved2 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagReserved3 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flagReserved4 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
flags - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
flagSecret - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
forbid_secret - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Conference forbids secret membership.


get(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Deprecated. This should have no real use in the real world.
getAddedAt() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the time at which this membership was added
getAddedBy() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the number of the person who added this memberhip
getArrivalTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessage
Returns a java.util.Date object representing the time of when this message was received by the client.
getAuthor() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Return the author of this text.
getAuthor() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the author of the text.
getAux(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getAuxData(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the AuxItem data for a given AuxItem tag.
getAuxData(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the AuxItem data for a given AuxItem tag.
getAuxElements() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getAuxItems() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Returns an array containing the AuxItem objects associated with this Conference.
getAuxItems() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns an array of AuxItem object representing the AuxItem list attached to this text.
getAuxItems(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
getAuxItems(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
getBitAt(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Returns the status at a specific position in this Bitstring.
getBits() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Returns a boolean[] equal the bits' representation in this Bitstring.
getBody() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the body (everything but the first row) of this text.
getBodyList() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the body of this text as a List of String objects, converted from bytes using server encoding.
getBodyStream() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.BigText
Returns a HollerithStream with the body of this text.
getCall() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns the RpcCall object that represents the call of which this is a reply to.
getCcRecipients() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array containing all CC-recipients for this text.
getCharset() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
getCharset() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the charset for this text.
getClientName(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the client name (as a byte array) for a given session.
getClientVersion(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the client version (as a byte array) for a given session.
getCommented() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array containing all the texts of which this is a comment to.
getComments() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array containing all comments to this text.
getConference() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the conference this membership represents
getConfName(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a byte-array containing the name for a conference, or null if the conference doesn't exist.
getConfStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Conference object containing information about a given conference.
getConfStat(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Conference object containing information about a given conference.
getConnected() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Return true if connected to a LysKOM server.
getConnectionTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo
getContents() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.BigText
Returns a byte array containing this texts entire contents.
getContents() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Returnes a byte-array containing all data in the hollerith.
getContents() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Returns the contents of this KomToken
getContentStream() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.BigText
Returns the entire contents (subject + "\n" + body) of this text as a stream.
getContentString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Returns this Holleriths contents as a String, translated according to the server's encoding.
getContentType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
getContentType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the content-type for this text.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns the time at which this Aux-Item was created.
getCreatedBytes() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of text bytes this person has produced.
getCreatedConferences() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of conferences created by this person.
getCreatedLines() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of text lines this person has produced.
getCreatedPersons() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of persons this person has created.
getCreationTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the time at which this text was created.
getCreationTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the time at which this text was created.
getCreationTimeString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns a string represantation of the time at which this text was created.
getCreator() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns this Aux-Item's creator.
getCurrentConference() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the current conference (as entered by changeConference())
getData() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns the data contained in this Aux-Item
getDataString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns the data as a String, translated according to Hollerith.getContentString()
getError() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure
Returns the error code returned by the server.
getErrorStatus() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure
Returns the error status returned by the server.
getException() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomProtocolException
getException() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure
getException() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply
If the call was unsuccessful, returns an RpcFailure object containing the error status, otherwise null.
getFirst(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Deprecated. This should have no real use in the real world.
getFirstCreatedLocalNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
From the spec: "The local number of the earliest article written by the person.
getFlags() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns the session flags (see spec elsewhere)
getFlags() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns this person's flags.
getFootnoted() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array of all texts to which this text is a footnote to.
getFootnotes() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array of all footnotes to this text.
getGlobalUnreadInConf(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Deprecated. Follow the standard LysKOM convention to get unreads or use nextUnreadText()/nextUnreadConference()
getHighestLocalNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference
Returns the highest local text number in this conference.
getHostname() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo
getId() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getId() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns the ID (RPC reference number) of the call that initiated this event.
getId() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply
Returns the RPC reference number of the call which this is a reply to.
getIdentUser() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo
getIdleTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns the number of seconds this session has been idle
getInfo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
getInheritLimit() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns the inheritance limit for this Aux-Item.
getIntArray(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Deprecated. This should have no real use in the real world.
getIntValue(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns an int representation of the data tagged with key, providing that the data is stored as an Integer.
getKeys() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns an array of integers representing all the selectors (keys) in this Selection.
getLastLogin() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns a KomTime object representing when this person last logged onto the LysKOM server.
getLastTextRead() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the local text number of the text last read in the conference
getLastTimeRead() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the time when this memberships conference was last read
getLength() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Returns the length of this array.
getLocal(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Walks through the recipient list of this text and return this texts local text number for that recipient, or -1 if the recipient is not found in this texts recipient list.
getLoggedIn() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns true if a user is currently logged in in this session.
getMarks() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an array of Mark objects with all text-marks for this user.
getMembership(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an array of Membership objects for a given person, representing the persons full membership list.
getMembership(int, int, int, Bitstring) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an array of Membership objects representing the membership information for a given person.
getMembershipList(int, int, int, Bitstring) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a List of Membership objects representing the membership information for a given person.
getMessage() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure
Returns a string containing the error code and status.
getMiscInfo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns a List containing Selection objects, which in turn makes up the Misc-Info data for this text.
getMiscInfoSelections(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns a List of all Selections containing the tag key.
getMyMembershipList() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Equal to getMembershipList(myPerson.getNo(), 0, myPerson.noOfConfs+1, new Bitstring("0"))
getMyPerson() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the Person object of the currently registered user.
getName() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Return this conference's name.
getName() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference
Returns the name of this conference.
getNameString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Deprecated. You should not rely on the platform's default encoding
getNameString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
Return the name of this Conference
getNice() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference
Returns the "garb-nice" time for this conference - ie. how long unmarked texts are kept before being garbage collected by the server.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns this specific Aux-Item's number.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Returns this conference's number.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Equal to getConference()
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of this person.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the number of this text.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns the text number this TextStat information belongs to.
getNo() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference
Returns the conference number this UConference represents.
getNoOfConfs() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of conferences this person is a member of.
getNoOfCreatedTexts() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of texts created by this person.
getNoOfMarks() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the number of text-marks this person holds.
getNoOfTextFetches() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of text fetches this person has done.
getNumber() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessage
Returns the message number.
getObject() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Deprecated. I don't even know what this was good for in the first place
getOp() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getOp() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns the operation (RPC request call) that initiated this event.
getParameter(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getParameterElements() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getParameters() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessage
Returns all the data contained in this asynchronous message, except the message number.
getParameters() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply
Return an array of KomToken objects containing all reply data.
getPerson() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns the person number logged in into this session
getPersonStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Person object containing information about a given person.
getPersonStat(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Person object containing information about a given person.
getPort() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
getPosition() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Return this memberhips position
getPresentation() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Returns the number of the text containing this conference's presentation (or zero if there is none).
getPriority() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the priority (0-255) of this membership
getPrivileges() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns this person's previlege flags.
getPropertyKey() - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug
getReadTexts() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns an array of local text number that have been read after last-text-read
getReadTexts() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of texts read by this person.
getReadTexts() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a ReadTextsMap object.
getRecipients() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array containing all recipients for this text.
getReply() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
getReply() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns the RpcReply object that represents the reply received from the server.
getReply() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure
Returns the RpcReply object representing the actual RPC reply.
getRows() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Count the number of rows this text contains.
getSenders() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array of all that has sent this text to new recipient.
getSendTimes() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns an array of the times when people has added new recipients to this text.
getServer() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
getServerEncoding() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
getSession() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns the session number for this session
getSessions() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of sessions this person has initiated.
getSize() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Returns the size of the represented hollerith.
getSize() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
getSource() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns the Session object that initiated this event.
getStat() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the TextStat object containing information about this text's status (such as recipients, footnotes, et.c.).
getState() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the state of this connection.
getStaticSessionInfo(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns static session information for a given session number.
getStatInts(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Deprecated. moved to TextStat
getStatInts(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Returns an array containing all values tagged by the specified key no in this texts Misc-Info list.
getStream() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Returns an InputStream from which the contents can be read.
getSubject() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns the subject (first row) of this text.
getSuccess() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns true if the server indicated that the call was successful.
getSuccess() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply
Returns true if the server indicated that the initiating call was successful.
getSuperConf() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Returns this conference's super-conference.
getTag() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Returns this Aux-Item's tag.
getText() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Mark
Returns the text number.
getText(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Text object corresponding to the specified global text number.
getText(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Text object corresponding to the specified global text number.
getTextMapping() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
getTextStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a TextStat object containing information about a given text.
getTextStat(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a TextStat object for a given text number, or null if the text doesn't exist or is inaccessible.
getTextStream(int, int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a text's contents as a HollerithStream.
getTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
Returns a java.util.Date object representing this object's time, according to the Gregorian calendar.
getTime() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
getTimeValue(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns a KomTime value stored with tag key.
getTokens() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Returns an array with all KomToken objects in this Array.
getTokenValue(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns a KomToken value stored with tag key.
getTotalTimePresent() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the total number of seconds this person has been logged onto the LysKOM server.
getType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Conference
Returns this conference's type.
getType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Returns the type of this KomToken
getType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Mark
Returns the mark type.
getType() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
Returns the type of this membership.
getUConference() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the UConference object representing this person's letterbox.
getUConfStat(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an UConference object containing information about a specific conference.
getUConfStat(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an UConference object containing information about a specific conference.
getUnreadConfs(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an int array containing all conferences which may contain unread texts.
getUnreadConfsList(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a List containing all conferences which may contain unread texts.
getUnreadConfsListCached() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Testing, testning.
getUnreadCount(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the highest possible number of unreads for a specific conference.
getUnreadMembership() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an array of Membership objects, representing the conferences in which the currently logged in person might have unread texts.
getUnreadTexts() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
return array of unread texts (in TextMapping for) for all conferences.
getUserArea() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the text number containing this person's user area.
getUsername() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Person
Returns the username of this person.
getUsername() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo
getVector(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Deprecated. This should have no real use in the real world.
getWhatAmIDoing() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns what the session's client has reported as what-i-am-doing.
getWhatAmIDoingString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Translated the result from getWhatAmIDoing() into a String according to the current platform's default character encoding.
getWorkingConference() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Returns the current working conference for this session
globalToLocal(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping


hasMoreElements() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Hollerith - class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith.
Class representing the LysKOM datatype Hollerith.
HOLLERITH - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
A Hollerith
Hollerith() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Constructs an empty Hollerith
Hollerith(byte[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Constructs a Hollerith containing the supplied bytes
Hollerith(byte[], String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Hollerith(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Hollerith(String, String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Construct a Hollertith by converting the supplied string into bytes according to the given charset.
HollerithStream - class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream.
A HollerithStream provides an InputStream from which the contents of a Hollerith sent from the server can be read.


i_am_off - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
Deprecated. replaced by "logout"
i_am_on - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a session's working conference, what-i-am-doing string or username changes.
i_am_on_obsolete - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
Deprecated. replaced by "i-am-on"
idleTime - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
intValue() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Attempts to parse the contents of this KomToken into an integer value using a radix of 10.
intValues() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Returns an int array by converting all objects in this KomTokenArray into integers by calling their intValue() method.
invitation - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
isCached(boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Returns true if this text was retreived from text cache rather than directly from the server
isEol() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Returns true if this KomToken is the last token in a command received from the server.
isExhausted() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Returns true if the provided InputStream is exhausted.
isMemberOf(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns true if the current user is a member of confNo, otherwise false.
ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
The number of KomToken items that this data type is made of.
ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership


joinConference(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Adds a conference with priority 100 at the last position of the currently logged in person's membership list.


KomProtocolException - exception nu.dll.lyskom.KomProtocolException.
Exception that will be thrown by LatteKOM methods that do server I/O and encounters data that it can't understand, or it seems that the server can't understand what we're telling it.
KomProtocolException(Exception) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomProtocolException
KomProtocolException(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomProtocolException
KomProtocolException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomProtocolException
KomTime - class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime.
Represents the LysKOM data type "Time".
KomTime() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
Constructs a KomTime object representing the current system time.
KomTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
Constructs a KomTime object representing the specified time.
KomToken - class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken.
A KomToken represents an object to be sent to or has been received from the server.
KomToken() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Creates an empty KomToken object.
KomToken(byte[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Constructs a simple KomToken object containing the supplied bytes.
KomToken(int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Constructs a simple KomToken object representing the supplied integer value.
KomToken(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Converts the supplied string into bytes according to the default encoding, using the result as the contents for this KomToken
KomTokenArray - class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray.
Represents an array of KomToken objects.
KomTokenArray(int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Constructs an empty KomTokenArray
KomTokenArray(int, int[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(int)
KomTokenArray(int, KomToken[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Constructs a KomTokenArray containing the objects supplied.
KomTokenArray(int, List) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length out of each of the element in the List, which must contain only Tokenizable objects.
KomTokenArray(int, String[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Constructs a KomTokenArray of the specified length, with the elements being the Strings converted into bytes according to KomToken(String)
KomTokenArray(int, Tokenizable[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Creates a KomTokenArray of the supplied length using the supplied Tokenizable objects.


lastLocal() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
leave_conf - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent to a user when the user's membership in the working conference is removed for any reason, such as the conference being deleted or a session successfully issued a sub-member call.
letterbox - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Conference is a person's letterbox
letterbox() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
is letterbox (person)
localToGlobal(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
localToGlobal(int, int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a TextMapping that can be used to convert local text number in a conference to global text numbers.
login - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when someone logs onto the LysKOM server.
login(int, String, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
login(int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Logs on to the LysKOM server.
logout - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a session is logged out.
logout(boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Logs out the currently logged in user.
lookupName(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Lookup names of persons/conferences.


Mark - class nu.dll.lyskom.Mark.
Represents a marked text and it's mark type.
markAsRead(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Marks the text as read in all recipient conferences which the user is a member of.
markAsRead(int, int[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Marks a text as read on the LysKOM server.
markText(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Place a personal mark on a LysKOM text.
Membership - class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership.
Represents a person's membership status of a given conference.
MembershipType - class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType.
Represents a Membership-Type.
MembershipType(boolean[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
MembershipType(KomToken) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
MISC_INFO_COUNT - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
miscBccRecpt - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging "BCC" recipient data.
miscCcRecpt - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging CC-recipient data.
miscCommIn - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging "comment-in" data
miscCommTo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging "comment-to" data
miscFootnIn - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging "footnote-in" data
miscFootnTo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging "footnote-to" data
miscLocNo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging a local text number
miscRecpt - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging recipient data.
miscRecTime - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging a receiving time
miscSentAt - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging the time at which a recipient was added
miscSentBy - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Misc-Info Selection selector for tagging person-no of the person who added a recipient
miscXAuthor - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
miscXPerson - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
miscXRecpt - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
miscXSystem - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
miscXText - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
modifyAuxInfo(boolean, int, int[], AuxItem[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Modifies Aux-Info for a conference or a text.


new_membership - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a conference has been added to a person's membership.
new_name - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
A conference has changed it's name.
new_recipient - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a new recipient has been added to a text.
new_text - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a new text has been created.
new_text_old - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
A new text has been created.
nextElement() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Returns the next Global number
nextUnreadConference(boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the conference number of the next conference that _may_ contain an unread text, or -1 if no unread conference is found.
nextUnreadText(boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Same as nextUnreadText(session.getCurrentConference(), updateUnread).
nextUnreadText(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns the global text number of the next unread text in the current conference.
NoSuchKeyException - exception nu.dll.lyskom.NoSuchKeyException.
Thrown by the Selection class when an application tries to access a non-existant key.
NoSuchKeyException() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.NoSuchKeyException
NoSuchKeyException(String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.NoSuchKeyException
nu.dll.lyskom - package nu.dll.lyskom


original - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Only original texts are allowed (no comments)
original() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType


passive - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
person - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Person - class nu.dll.lyskom.Person.
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
A "primitive" LysKOM token, such as INT32
print(String) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug
Prints a message to stderr if ENABLED is true.
println(String) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Debug
Prints a message to stderr if ENABLED is true, terminating with a linefeed.
purgeTextCache(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Removes any evidence of the given text in the caches (Text cache and Text-Stat cache)


queryReadTexts(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Membership object containing information about read/unread texts for a given person in a given conference.
queryReadTexts(int, int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns a Membership object containing information about read/unread texts for a given person in a given conference.
queryReadTextsCached(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
quit() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchInvoker


rd_prot - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Read-protected conference
ReadTextsMap - class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap.
Class that can be used to check if a text has been read.
ReadTextsMap() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
rejected_connection - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when someone fails to log in because the maximum number of allowed connections has been reached.
reLookup(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
remove(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ReadTextsMap
remove(int, Object) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Removes the object value from the tag key.
removeAsynchMessageReceiver(AsynchMessageReceiver) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Removes an AsyncMessageReceiver.
removeCcRecipient(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Removes a CC-recipient from this text.
removeMiscInfoEntry(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Deprecated. moved to TextStat class
removeMiscInfoEntry(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Removes tag key if it contains value in this texts Misc-Info list.
removePair(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Remove a local-global pair from this mapping
removeRecipient(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Removes a recipient from this text.
removeRpcEventListener(RpcEventListener) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Removes an RPC reply listener.
reply(int, Text) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Very simple reply function.
reserved1 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
reserved2 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Reserved flag.
reserved2 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
reserved3 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Reserved flag.
reserved3 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
reserved4 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
reserved5 - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
Rpc - interface nu.dll.lyskom.Rpc.
RpcCall - class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall.
This class is used to do the actual RPC Calls to the server.
RpcCall(int, int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
RpcEvent - class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent.
This call represents an RPC event; i.e. that an RPC reply has been received from the server.
rpcEvent(RpcEvent) - Method in interface nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEventListener
Called by LatteKOM when an RPC event (an RPC reply) has been received and parsed.
rpcEvent(RpcEvent) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Receiver of RPC events.
RpcEventListener - interface nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEventListener.
Interface used by classes that wants to be able to receive RPC events asynchronously.
RpcFailure - exception nu.dll.lyskom.RpcFailure.
Represents a failed RPC call.
RpcReply - class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply.
Represents an RPC reply received from the server.
rpcReply(RpcReply) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Receiver of RPC replies.
rpcSoftTimeout - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
This is the "soft" timeout, in milliseconds.
rpcTimeout - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Time-out used by the waitFor() method in milliseconds.
run() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchInvoker


secret - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
Secret conference
secret - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.MembershipType
Selection - class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection.
A Selection is tagged data, in which each object represent an ordered list of tags (keys) and perhaps some data belonging to each tag.
Selection(int) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Creates a new Selection.
send_message - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when someone sends a message.
sendMessage(int, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends an asynchronous message with the send-message call.
sendMessage(int, String, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sends an asynchronous message with the send-message call.
session - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
Session - class nu.dll.lyskom.Session.
This is the main interface to the LysKOM server and the LatteKOM library.
Session() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
SessionInfo - class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo.
SessionInfo(int, KomToken[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.SessionInfo
setBitAt(int, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
Sets the value of a bit at a specific position in this Bitstring.
setClientHost(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the client host name that is reported during the initial connection handshake with the LysKOM server.
setClientUser(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the client user name that is reportedduring the intial handshake.
setClientVersion(String, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Reports the name and version of this client to the server.
setContents(byte[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Sets the contents of this KomToken
setExhausted() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.HollerithStream
Marks the stream as exhausted.
setLastRead(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the highest local text number that has been read in a given conference.
setLastTextRead(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
setLatteVersion(String, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets client name and version, prepending the supplied strings with a slash and the name and version of the LatteKOM library, respectively.
setPresentation(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Sets the text number that contains a conference's or a person's presentation.
setReply(RpcReply) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
setStat(TextStat) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Sets the TextStat object for this text.
setTextMapping(TextMapping) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Membership
shutdown() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Forcibly logout, disconnect, and finish all threads
size() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Returns the number of "trail" values in this Selection.
size() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Return the number of local-global pairs in this mapping
split(KomTokenArray) - Static method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Static helper class that splits a two dimensional KomTokenArray into a two dimensional KomToken array (KomToken[][]), by dividing the number of objects by the length reported by the KomTokenArray.
STATE_CONNECTED - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Connected to a LysKOM server, but not logged in.
STATE_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Not connected to a LysKOM server
STATE_LOGIN - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Connected, and logged in as a specific user
sub_recipient - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent when a recipient has been removed from a text.
subMember(int, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Removes the person persNo from conference confNo.
sync_db - Static variable in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Asynch
This message is sent by the server once before it blocks to save its database and once just after it blocks.


tagContentType - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagCreatingSoftware - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagCrossReference - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagFaqText - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagFastReply - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxAuthor - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxCc - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxDate - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxFrom - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxInReplyTo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxMessageId - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxMimePartIn - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxMisc - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxReplyTo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagMxTo - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagNoComments - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
tagPersonalComment - Static variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Text - class nu.dll.lyskom.Text.
Represents a LysKOM text.
Text() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Creates an empty text.
Text(byte[]) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Creates a new text with the supplied contents
Text(String, String) - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Creates a new text with the supplied subject and body, converted into bytes using the default encoding iso-8559-1.
TextMapping - class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping.
This class handles storage of global text numbers for one conference.
TextMapping() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
TextStat - class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat.
The Text-Stat LysKOM data type (and this class) contains status information about a text, such as its author, creation time, etc.
TextStat() - Constructor for class nu.dll.lyskom.TextStat
Creates an empty TextStat object
toByteArray(String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
toInt() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Deprecated. use intValue() instead
toInteger() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
Deprecated. use intValue() to get an int, this method will be changed to return Integer
Tokenizable - interface nu.dll.lyskom.Tokenizable.
Indicates that this object can be converted into a KomToken by calling its toToken() method.
toNetwork() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
Constructs a byte-array representation of this Hollerith suitable for sending to the server, over the network (into the sea...).
toNetwork() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
Converts this into a LysKOM ARRAY suitable for sending to the server, by calling each of the objects' toNetwork() method.
toNetwork() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AsynchMessage
Returns a String representation.
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Bitstring
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfInfo
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.ConfType
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Hollerith
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTime
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomToken
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.KomTokenArray
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcEvent
Returns a String containing information about this object.
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcReply
Returns a string containing information about this object.
toString() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference
toString(byte[]) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
toToken() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.AuxItem
Uses the data in this AuxItem object to construct an Aux-Item-Input token that can be used in RPC calls to the servern.
toToken() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Selection
Converts this selection into one KomToken object.
toToken() - Method in interface nu.dll.lyskom.Tokenizable
trimContents() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Text
Trims the contents on this text - removes trailing whitespace to follow LysKOM conventions.


UConference - class nu.dll.lyskom.UConference.
An UConference is a minimalistic set of status information about a conference, such as it's name and type.
unmarkText(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Unmarks a text.
update(int, KomToken[], boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.TextMapping
Update the TextMapping with results from a localToGlobal call
updateUnreads() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Updates the unreadMembership array with Membership objects for conferences that _may_ contain unreads.


waitFor(int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
This methods provides a synchronous way of waiting for RPC replies.
waitFor(RpcCall) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Convenience wrapper for waitFor(int).
whatAmIDoing - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
whoAmI() - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
whoIsOnDynamic(boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Returns an array of DynamicSessionInfo objects containing information about online sessions
workingConference - Variable in class nu.dll.lyskom.DynamicSessionInfo
writeNetwork(OutputStream) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.RpcCall
writeRaw(int, String) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Writes a raw (custom) RPC call to the server.
writeRpcCall(RpcCall) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Writes an RPC call constructed from an RpcCall object to the network output stream and add it to the RPC call storage.
writeRpcCall(RpcCall, boolean) - Method in class nu.dll.lyskom.Session
Writes an RPC call constructed from an RpcCall object to the network output stream.

Copyright © Rasmus Sten and contributors, 1997-2004